Obsidian Black Crystal Dowsing Pendulum

The Obsidian Black Crystal Dowsing Pendulum is cut from volcanic glass. Its dark black color denotes a positive integration of our “dark side” and brings to light a person’s untapped abilities.



Obsidian Black Crystal Dowsing Pendulum

The Obsidian Black Crystal Dowsing Pendulum is a powerful crystal that can unlock and release negative thoughts and feelings, making this a good therapist pendulum.

According to Katrina Raphaell, in her book Crystal Enlightenment, Black Obsidian is one of the most important teachers of all the New Age Stones.

Obsidian Black Crystal Dowsing Pendulum
Black Obsidian is the “Warrior of Truth.”

This stone can take the mind through the darkened areas of the subconscious to establish an identity in the super-conscious. It acts as a mirror that reflects the flaws of one’s nature and magnifies the fears, insecurities, and egocentric attitudes that suppress the soul’s superior qualities. Black Obsidian could be named “the warrior of truth.”

Your Obsidian Black Crystal Dowsing Pendulum

Obsidian Black Crystal is cut from volcanic glass.
Black Obsidian is the master teacher.

Black Obsidian is a master teacher and helps us understand the true meaning of the black color. Black, being the dense, the dark and the unknown, it is the polar opposite to white, not only in the color scale but also in its properties.

Black Obsidian can reveal how to bring more light into a darkened world. It allows the mind to discern all manifestations that come from the same source. Black and white are equally powerful forms of light.

Size, Weight, color and hue vary from batch to batch.

Example sample: 3.5 cm / 7.0 gm.

Other available crystal pendulums.