Conical Beechwood Dowsing Pendulum

The Conical Beechwood Dowsing Pendulum is our best-selling wood pendulum.

This popular teardrop or pear-shaped pendulum is a light-weight, neutral user-friendly dowsing tool.

The Conical Beechwood pendulum is suitable for any dowsing assignment.




Conical Beechwood Dowsing Pendulum

The Conical Beechwood Dowsing Pendulum is a versatile pendulum for any dowsing task. This pendulum is excellent for recording and working with energy systems, such as taking Chakra readings.

Conical Beechwood Dowsing Pendulum
Conical Beechwood Dowsing Pendulum

Conical Beechwood Dowsing Pendulum

This wood pendulum is a light-weight, neutral, teardrop, or pear-shaped style pendulum suitable for dowsers of all levels.

This attractive, sleek pendulum with sloping lines and a long tapering tip is quick in its action, giving clear feedback and response.

When there are several types of energy fields present, these fields can overlap, blend, or bleed. The Conical pear-shaped wood pendulum is the ideal tool because it resists competing energy fields.

Further, there may be other ambient radiations in the environment influencing readings. Using a “neutral” pendulum helps the dowser record true and uninfluenced readings. The Conical Beechwood pendulum is an ideal dowsing tool because of its organic shape and material composition.

The Pendulum Dr. Barbara Ann Brennan Recommends

The Conical Beechwood Dowsing Pendulum is highly recommended by the physicist and author, Barbara Ann Brennan, in her book Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field.

The shape of the Conical pear-shaped Beech wood pendulum, according to Barbara Ann Brennen, is symmetrical around its vertical axis. This is important when measuring energy fields.

Barbara Brennan says, “The best way I have found to sense the states of the Chakras is to use a pendulum. This device helps increase your sensitivities to the energy flow because it acts as an amplifier. The best pendulums for this purpose are made of beechwood and are pear-shaped.”

I also sell a Conical Beechwood pendulum with a witness chamber. A witness chamber is a cavity in the pendulum’s body where a small item or “witnesses” is inserted. This helps to “tune” the pendulum through resonance and increases its effectiveness.

Using Your Conical Beech Wood Dowsing Pendulum to Test Chakras

Chakra System on the Body
Use the pendulum to test Chakras and improve health.

Testing chakras is a good way to test the energy flow of the body. All chakras are interconnected, and any block will usually constrict the flow of Chi and often manifest as a dysfunction in the corresponding endocrine system and associated organs.

Here, I’m talking about dowsing someone else’s chakras. To do a self-diagnostic, you could use a diagram of the body with the chakras drawn on them or use a chakra chart as a proxy to represent your body.

Starting Out

Once you’ve done your preliminary check to ensure the time is suitable and your accuracy is high, you may begin your dowsing assignment.

With the person lying prone on their back (and for a complete analysis, their stomach) place the pendulum 2-3″ above the chakra you’re testing. A clockwise rotation signals an open chakra, and a counter-clockwise spin indicates a closed chakra. Note the intensity of the spin because this will reveal the degree to which the energy is flowing through the chakra.

Often the pendulum won’t spin in perfect circles but asymmetrically. Think of the circle divided into four quadrants: upper left and upper right, bottom left and bottom right. This will provide further information in interpreting the energy flow. In other words, the energy is flowing. It’s not blocked, but shows an issue needing work.

The front of the body when taking chakra reading relates to the person’s “feeling” and chakra readings taken from the back have to do with the “will.”

I will write more about chakra work in future blogs, but here’s a link with good information from the Ayurvedic and Yoga Institute: Meaning of Pendulum Chakra Test.

Size & Weight:

Conical Beechwood Pear-Shaped Pendulum: 6.0 cm / 13.0 gm – (2.36″ / 0.46 oz)


Additional information

Weight .013 kg
Dimensions 6.0 × 3.0 × 3.0 cm


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