Pinhole Glasses for Farsightedness

(2 customer reviews)

The Reader Pinhole Glasses for Farsightedness is an effective option for anyone who has blurry vision looking at objects close-up or when reading.

Pinhole Glasses offer a solution for anyone wanting to improve their vision naturally.












Pinhole Glasses for Farsightedness or Hyperopia

The Reader style Pinhole Glasses for farsightedness or hyperopia provides a natural solution for anyone wanting to  improve their near vision.

What is Farsightedness or Hyperopia?

Reader Style Pinhole Glasses for nearsightedness.Farsightedness, also known as hyperopia, is a common vision condition where distant objects can be seen more clearly than nearby objects. This condition arises from the eye’s refractive system, which involves the cornea and lens focusing light directly onto the retina at the back of the eye.

In individuals with hyperopia, the eye is shorter than normal or the cornea is too flat, causing light to focus behind the retina instead of on it. This misalignment results in nearby objects appearing blurry while distant objects remain relatively clear.

Symptoms and Signs of Farsightedness?

Eye Conditions Chart

The symptoms and signs of farsightedness (hyperopia) are primarily related to difficulties in seeing objects at close range. These include:

  1. Blurred Vision for Close Objects: The most common symptom is difficulty focusing on objects that are near. This might mean that reading, writing, or other tasks that require close vision can cause blurriness.

  2. Eye Strain: People with hyperopia often unconsciously exert extra effort to clear their blurry vision, leading to strain. Symptoms of eye strain include sore or irritated eyes and fatigue.

  3. Headaches: Frequently, the strain on the eyes from trying to focus on nearby objects can lead to headaches. These headaches often occur after prolonged periods of performing tasks that involve close vision, such as reading or using a computer.

  4. Squinting: Individuals with hyperopia may squint in an attempt to see more clearly. Squinting reduces the extra light entering the eye, which can sometimes temporarily improve the clarity of vision for close objects.

  5. Difficulty with Night Vision: Though less common, some individuals with hyperopia may also have difficulty focusing or experience blurred vision in low light conditions.

  6. Aching Eyes, Discomfort, or a Burning Sensation: Due to the constant effort to maintain a clear focus on nearby objects, individuals with hyperopia might experience general discomfort around the eyes.

Children with mild-to-moderate farsightedness can see both close-up and at a distance without needing correction. This happens because the muscles and lenses in their eyes are flexible and they squint to overcome the farsightedness. However, as the child ages into adulthood, it becomes much more difficult for the eyes to adjust and hyperopia becomes an ongoing problem.

It’s important to note that these symptoms can also be associated with other eye conditions, so a proper diagnosis by an eye care professional is crucial. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, it’s advisable to get a comprehensive eye examination to determine the exact cause and discuss potential treatment options.

A Natural Method to Improve Farsightedness

Butterfly viewed with normal vision vs farsighted vision.The Reader Style Pinhole Glasses are for anyone with weakened farsighted vision. If you have blurry vision, squint to see close-up objects, or experience difficulty reading, the Reader Style Pinhole Glasses might be a natural way to improve this condition.

Vision is a major link between the outside world and the brain. Much of our experience enters visually through the eyes, and it is an important factor in how we relate to the world around us and how we interact within it.

Pinhole Glasses are not a recent discovery. In fact, its roots go back in history where the same principles were used successfully then as they are today. Patanjali, the Indian yogi, devised techniques to tone and condition the extraocular muscle more than 2,000 years ago. Also, Paulus Aegineta, a 7th-century Greek physician, used a mask with eye holes, forcing the crossed eye to straighten out.

Pinhole Glasses for Farsightedness or Hyperopia

Eye with brown and blue iris.Though we may not think much about it, vision is more than just opening and shutting the eyes. It comprises numerous functions. The most common are:

  1. Accommodation — Eyes can be brought inward when looking at close objects.
  2. Convergence — the ability to bring the eyes inward when looking at objects.
  3. Divergence — the ability of the eyes to go outward when looking from far to near.
  4. Version — We can move our eyes to look and follow objects in all directions.
  5. Stereopsis — Our eyes can judge the distance of objects and to see in three dimensions.
  6. Saccades — the ability of quickly looking from one object to another.

The Natural Eyes Vision Training Kit

Reader New Pinhole Glasses in Package.Reader Style for Farsightedness contains one set of Vision Training Pinhole Glasses and a booklet with easy to follow eye exercises.

Typically, when eyesight deteriorates, a prescription for corrective lenses is written. This doesn’t allow the person to reverse the condition and, as time passes, we require stronger glasses. However, it doesn’t occur to people that they can “correct” their vision using natural methods. Who says you can’t improve your vision? The difference is, by using Pinhole Glasses and doing eye exercises daily, natural eyesight is improved and restored.

A Personal Testimony

A woman performing eye palming exercises.I’ve used the Reader Style Pinhole Glasses and found my vision improved. I also admit that after I saw improvement with my vision, I got lazy and stopped using them regularly. After some time, my eyesight deteriorated again. Therefore, I recommend patience and daily practice to make definitive and long-lasting changes.

95% of first-time users tell me in disbelief, saying that they can notice results immediately while wearing Pinhole Glasses. Long-lasting results occur when the Pinhole Glasses are used daily.

The rest is up to you!


Other Available Pinhole Glasses

Pinhole Glasses for Nearsighted or Myopia

Children's Pinhole for Both Near and Farsighted Vision

Please note Pinhole glasses are NOT recommended for driving and should only be used as training tools in a safe environment.

Weight: 22 gm, approximately 45 gm in package with instructions.