Bobber Dowsing Rod

(1 customer review)

This Simple Bobber Dowsing Rod is a no frills basic dowsing rod. With a wood handle and ball head attached to a flexible wire, it “bobs” up and down or side to side.



Bobber Dowsing Rod


Bobber Dowsing Rod

The Bobber Dowsing Rod comes in several sizes, but they all function basically the same way: the dowser holds a handle with a flexible lead inserted with an attached counterweight attached to the other end which allows the Bobber dowsing rod to swing or bob on both the horizontal and vertical axis.

Bobber Dowsing Rod
Simple Bobber Dowsing Rod

Bobber Dowsing Rod

Bobbers are one of the easiest dowsing rods to master. In general, bobbers are a flexible wire, handle at one end and a weighted counterweight at the other.

The counterweight can be a wooden ball, a metal washer, or any material heavy enough to create a “bobbing” action.

The wire or body can either be a thin straight flexible wire like this simple bobber dowsing rod or coiled like a spring as in the Auraspring dowsing rod.

Our Bobber Pro comes with two interchangeable inserts: One with a wood ball and the other with a washer insert that screws into the handle.

Similar to a pendulum, you can use your bobber for all types of Yes/No/Maybe questions. The bobber can help detect energy fields, either auric or environmental. Some use the bobber to detect for water or Geopathic lines.

Using Your Bobber

Hold your bobber away from you in a comfortable position with your arm slightly bent. You can hold the bobber with one hand or both.

Next you need to find your Yes/No/Maybe responses.

Put the bobber into motion. This can be up and down, side to side, or in a circular pattern. Quiet your mind and ask for your Yes/No/Maybe response. The bobber will then respond according to your mental question.

An alternate approach is mentally programming your Yes/No/Maybe responses. You can ask the bobber to bob up and down for “Yes,” swing side-to-side for “No” and circle for “Maybe” and “Ready” position.

There is no right way or wrong way, as each person will have their own personal method and comfort level. Once you’ve set your bobber’s response, you’re ready to dowse.

Searching for Water and Energy Lines

Working outdoors hold the object of your inquiry in your mind. In other words, if you’re looking for water, keep focussed and as you slowly walk across the area, the bobber will respond when it comes within the peripheral edge of the location in mind. Slow down and observe how the bobber responds. Depending on the axis of where you connect with the zone, you may need to continue forward, or turn left or right. If the bobber stops moving, you may have moved past or out of the zone.

Simple Bobber Dowsing Rod
Simple Bobber

Once you’ve marked the correct area, you can ask further questions. For example, if dowsing for water, you can ask, “Is this potable water?” If you’re looking for drinkable water, better to find out immediately than waste more energy asking more questions.

If the water is potable, you could then ask, “How many feet down is the water?” Start your bobber in the “Ready” position and then count by asking is “One foot, two feet, three feet etc.” Once you’ve located the correct depth, the bobber will either stop or go into the “No” position.

Working with Energy

There are other interesting things you can do with your bobber dowsing rod, pendulum, or any dowsing rod for that matter.

But before I continue, I want to remind you it’s not the bobber, dowsing rod or pendulum that does the “magic.” Dowsing rods and pendulums are tools. As tools, they respond and point out the responses much in the same way the hands of a clock point to the time. However, it’s the motor on the back of the clock that moves the hands and similarly, you are the force through which your dowsing tool responds.

I’ve had so many people ask me to tell them what my pendulum says. I hold it to my ears and tell them it doesn’t tell me anything. Therefore, it’s important to understand any healing or energy work comes from a vibrational connection to Source and the agreement from others to receive the healing. I look at it as an agreement by all parties that are vibrationally in synch. That’s when results take place.

Man doing Yoga to raise energy
In healing, the dowser acts as an energy facilitator

Raising Energy

State your intention mentally for the dowsing task at hand.  For example, if you want to increase the energy in a room state your intentions, you want to raise the energy for all that is safe and beneficial. When there are several people together, the energy/health levels will be different. Therefore, for everyone to benefit, the energy/healing has to be augmented. If you’re working with an individual, then you would ask the energy/healing to be up-to what that person can receive without side-effects.

Start your Bobber Dowsing Rod in the “Ready” position and then allow the bobber to move into the “Yes” position. This may happen automatically. The bobber will move and may change patterns as it moves on its own. When the bobber stops moving, the task is completed for that moment in time. The energy is increased, or the healing is completed.

You could also ask, “How long will the energy/healing stay in place?” Practically speaking, serious health issues will take many sessions. From my experience, if the person doesn’t change their own mental programming, the issue will reinsert itself and the benefits are temporary. After all, people are the creator of their own issues, and the dowser who does energy or healing work is a facilitator to the process.

Further Suggestions When Dowsing

Keep in mind dowsing is an art and skill. Errors in dowsing may have less to do with the dowsing rod and more with the dowser. Imprecise questions, emotions, unrealistic expectations, energy levels of the dowser and climatic and environmental conditions can all effect a dowsing session.

I recommend doing a self-diagnostic check to test your level of accuracy before dowsing. If your accuracy percentage is low, it’s best to dowse another time.

The Bobber Dowsing Rod is a simple rod, and there are many other dowsing rods available today to meet the requirements of today’s dowser.

This simple Bobber has a comfortable wood handle with a matching round wooden ball attached to a flexible lead.

Size & Weight

34 cm / 26 g – (12.2″ / 0.81 oz.)

Other Available Bobbers:

Auraspring Bobber Dowsing Rod

Bobber Pro

Biotensor Adjustable Dowsing Rod